If you are ever unsure of a message you have received claiming to be from us, visit to find legitimate numbers you can call to speak to us directly. Do not call the phone number in the email, click on any links or respond to the sender. These are not legitimate communications from CommBank. The scammer then asks for the numbers to be typed on a mobile phone keypad, allowing them to record the sounds made by the phone and steal the credit card information to conduct fraud. Anticipating the immediate anxiety that this is likely to cause you, the scammers have included a phone number that can be called for assistance however, when phoned, the scammer will then claim your accounts need to be secured by providing a credit card number. These messages use scare tactics by suggesting that a newly registered phone or phone number can now seamlessly transact to and from linked CommBank accounts, or that a NetBank password has been changed, or that a transaction has been disputed. The goal of these phishing emails is to collect credit card and NetBank login information. We are aware of new phishing emails pretending to be from CommBank, claiming that a new mobile phone or phone number has been linked to a customer’s account.